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The contemporary way of recruiting People to Organization


The Internet has become a bridge between Employers and candidates, especially during recent years. Technology has helped Employers, job seekers and websites to involve closer all-around a day. (Linda, 2006)

E-Recruitment is about using internet sources to hire people for the Organization. By using software and web, employers have the ability to connect with wider range of prospective employees through e-recruitment technology (Sayel, 2018). He further adds, E-Recruitment process is more effective and efficient and as well as less expensive comparing with other traditional Recruitment methods, since it can reach a large number of candidates without much effort.

E-Recruitment is rapidly growing among Organizations (Bartram, 2000, Lawrence, Sauser & Sauser, 2007, Lee, 2005, Lermusiaux & Snell, 2003, SHRM, 2008a, 2008b) and at the same time there is a gap increasing among research and applying (Anderson, 2003, García-Izquierdo, Aguinis & Ramos-Villagrasa, 2010, Sylva &Mol, 2009) since the academics facing the challenge to keep the pace with rapid change of technology and environment (Anderson, 2003).

Nevertheless, due to the technology era we live and to reach out to more potential, most Organizations currently switched into the e-Recruitment process (Nafia, Nahida, 2018). Recruitment is one of the vital aspects of HRM since, this function helps to bring the most valuable human capital for the organization (Barber, 1998). Finding the right person for employment is a challenge. Through E-Recruitment, employers are able to search and explore into a wide area than other methods, enabling them to select the best candidates as their employees. At the same time, for job seekers, it helps to find the best job according to the skills they possess ignoring geographical location limits (Sayel, 2018).

E-Recruitment is about attracting and drawing the imminent applicants through the web (Ankita, J, Ankita, G. 2014). It is the strategy of using advanced opportunities on the web, and the data concerning that profile. Simple accessibility of data creates the higher possibilities of getting the best manpower for the required position. E-Recruitment enables the organization to bring down its cost by keeping up the candidate’s information in a database. Every candidate will be associated with a centralized system (Ankita, J, Ankita, G. 2014).

According to (Shahila, D, Vijayalakshmi, R. 2013). E-Recruitment is the act of utilizing innovation and specifically Web-based sources for finding, drawing in, surveying, meeting and contracting new staff. E-Recruitment, which can be called the term e-Enrolling, can be depicted as any selecting procedures that a business associates through electronic instruments, for example, an organization's open Internet website or its corporate intranet. According to (Dhamija, 2012), E-Recruitment is about using online technology, particularly the website platforms to search, assess, select, interview and recruit eligible people.

Generally, Recruitment and Selection are looked at as one, they have separate functions. Though the strategies for Recruitment differ from Organization to Organization, the main elements are to attract, search for the candidate and employ the suitable (Maureen, 2014). Selection is about selecting the ideal person for the job from the pool of eligible candidates. Therefore these two processes depend on each other. They cannot proceed without each other (Maureen, 2014).

Evolution of E-Recruitment vs Other Recruitment methods

(source: Juniper, 2016)

When the digital world has brought a new dimension in web site technology through the World wide web or Web 1.0 & Web 2.0, a new concept on Recruitment was born which is E-Recruitment (Salmen, 2012). In the 2000's most of the Organization's web sites provide only the details of their Organization (news, products, services available). With the introduction of Web 1.0, a one-way communication had evolved where, interested candidates get the information of vacancies at the web sites and send the CV through email or still by post to the contact details mentioned at the website (Salmen, 2012). 

Web 2.0 has changed drastically the recruitment process to a phenomenon which is now called the E-Recruitment. Web 2.0 is today's social media if can simply elaborate (Maureen, 2014). According to (Andreas and Michael, 2010), Web 2.0 is a new way where software developers and end-users began using the world wide web as a platform to be under continuous modification. It further helped to use the platform without knowledge of the programming like before (Andreas and Michael, 2010).

In many studies, many have agreed that the E-Recruitment method is the cheapest method among Recruitment methods (Cappelli, 2001; Cober, et al, 2000). According to (Cober, et al, 2000), while E-Recruiting reducing the cost of hiring, it further helps to reduce the recruitment and selection cycle time upto 25%. Another research has found that Organizations save 95% of recruitment when switching from traditional recruitment to E-Recruitment (Cober, et al, 2000).

According to a study done by (Maurer & Liu, 2007), E-Recruitment is saving costs upto 87% per new employee comparing with other Recruitment methods.

Reference :

Anderson, (2003), García-Izquierdo, Aguinis, & Ramos-Villagrasa, (2010), Sylva &Mol, (2009), cited in Holm, Anna B., (2012), E-recruitment: Towards an ubiquitous recruitment process and candidate relationship management, ISSN 1862-0000, Rainer Hampp Verlag, Mering, 26(3), pp. 241-259, viewed 07 August 2019, <>

Andreas, K, & Michael, H, (2010), cited in Maureen, S, (2014), E-Recruitment: A comparison with traditional recruitment and the influences of social media, BBA Thesis, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences p. 14.

Ankita, J, Ankita, G,. (2014), E-Recruitment & E- Human Resource Management Challenges in the Flat World: A Case Study of Indian Banking Industry (With Special Reference to ICICI Bank, Jaipur), International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(1), p.3.

Barber, (1998), cited in Nafia, S, Nahida, S., (2018), Analyzing the Effectiveness of Online Recruitment: A Case Study on Recruiters of Bangladesh, Asian Business Review, 7(2), viewed 08 August 2019,<>

Bartram, 2000; Lawrence, Sauser, & Sauser, 2007, p. 119; Lee, 2005; Lermusiaux & Snell, 2003; SHRM, 2008a, 2008b in Holm, Anna B. (2012) : E-recruitment: Towards an ubiquitous recruitment process and candidate relationship management, ISSN 1862-0000, Rainer Hampp Verlag, Mering, 26(3), pp. 241-259, viewed 07 July 2019, <>

Cappelli, P. (2001). On-line recruiting. Harvard Business Review, 79(3), 139-146 cited in Hasan, I, (2013), Organizational Perception Regarding Specific Information about Job and Organization: An Approach to E-Recruitment, International SAMANM Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 1(1), p. 27.

Cober, R. T., Brown, D. J., Blumental, A. J., Doverspike, D., & Levy, P. (2000). The quest for the qualified job surfer: It's time the public sector catches the wave. Public Personnel Management, 29(4), 479-496, cited in Hasan, I, (2013), Organizational Perception Regarding Specific Information about Job and Organization: An Approach to E-Recruitment, International SAMANM Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 1(1), p. 27.

Dhamija, P, (2012), E-Recruitment: A Roadmap towards e-human resource management, Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce, 3(2), p. 34.

Juniper, G, (2016), E-Recruitment. e-Recruitment Defined. e-Recruitment Process Flow. e-Recruitment function coverage. Benefits of e-Recruitment. Disadvantages Of e-Recruitment,, viewed 07 September 2019, <slideplayer>

Kumudha, A, SaranyaPriyadarshini, C,. (2014), A Conceptual Study on an approach to E-Recruitment and its technological Challenges, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management, [Online], 3(11), p. 27, viewed 08 August 2019, <>

Linda, B. (2006), e-Recruitment Developments, Sussex, IES, viewed 12 Aug 2019, <>

Maureen, S, (2014), E-Recruitment: A comparison with traditional recruitment and the influences of social media, BBA Thesis, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.

Maurer, S. D., & Liu, Y. (2007). Developing effective e-recruiting websites: Insights for managers from marketers. Business horizons, 50(4), 305-314, cited in Hasan, I, (2013), Organizational Perception Regarding Specific Information about Job and Organization: An Approach to E-Recruitment, International SAMANM Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 1(1), p. 27.

Nafia, S, Nahida, S., (2018), Analyzing the Effectiveness of Online Recruitment: A Case Study on Recruiters of Bangladesh, Asian Business Review, 7(2), viewed 08 August 2019, <>

Salmen, S. (2012). Einleitung - Die Suche von Top-Mitarbeitern im War for Talent! In B. Rath, & S. Salmen, Recruiting im Social Web (pp. 30-40). Göttingen: BusinessVillage GmbH, cited in Maureen, S, (2014), E-Recruitment: A comparison with traditional recruitment and the influences of social media, BBA Thesis, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences p. 14

Sayel, S. (2018) Impact of Online recruitment on recruitment. International Journal of Education and Research, 6(4), pp. 48-50


  1. Well written article on the contemporary way of recruiting people to the organization, adding to the article e-recruitment also known as online recruitment where It is a practice of using technology for the organization recruitment process. The main purpose of this method is to reduce the cost, to make the processes efficient, reach a large pool of candidates (Waghmarei,2018).

    1. Thank you for your comments Nayani. Using E-recruitment, a candidate who is applying for an advertised position forwards their CV and a covering letter electronically to the advertise's website. That particular CV is retrieved by the advertiser and screened among the other CV‟s received from different candidates (Finn, 2000).

  2. Hi Chandran, I agree with your post wholeheartedly. There is no doubt on the impact of e-recruitment in today's recruitment and selection process. One of the reasons for the rise in e-recruitment is the efficiency and the convenience it provides to both the candidate and the recruiter, in terms of the options and filters available (Linda, 2016). In addition, Maureen (2014) states e-recruitment allows companies reach a far greater audience and therefore a greater change of recruiting the most suitable candidate for the job.

    1. Thank you for your comments Jehan. Typically, e-recruitment hiring is on average 70% faster than traditional hiring methods and the recruiting cycle is speeded up at every stage from posting, to receiving CVs to filtering to managing the contacts and work flow (Prabjot, 2015).

  3. Hi Chandran, I do agree with the above post. Considering the benefits of e-recruitment now organizations tend to undertake e-recruitment. E-Recruitment includes the entire process of finding the prospective candidates, assessing, interviewing and hiring them, as per the job requirement. The benefits of e-recruitment are low cost, Wide geographical coverage, less time and right people for the right job can be easily found. An effective approach to recruitment and selection can help an organization to maximize the competitive advantages by choosing the best pool of candidates quickly and cost-efficiently (Kleiman, 2005)

    1. Thank you for your comments Sithari. Also E-Recruitment lower costs to the organization since, posting jobs online is cheaper than advertising in the newspapers, No intermediaries, Reduction in the time for recruitment (over 65 percent of the hiring time), Facilitates the recruitment of right type of people with the required skills, Improved efficiency of recruitment process & Gives a 24 X 7 access to an online collection of resumes (Smriti, 2019).

  4. Agreed, Using the internet for recruiting can lead to huge budget savings for the human resources department. There is no need to hire extra personnel to accept resumes, meet and greet the applicants, proctor employment pre-tests, and answer questions. There will also be fewer expenditures on printing and copying as well, since submissions will be online

    1. Thank you Chathura for your valuable comments. Organizations often adopt online systems because they believe e-recruiting is more likely than traditional recruitment sources to uncover individuals with unique talents and skills (Khalil & Abeer, 2014).

  5. Agree with you Chandran,
    Enlightens that e-recruitment influences every aspect of human resource management which refers to posting vacancies on the corporate website by allowing applicants to send their resumes electronically through an email or in some other electronic format. This e-recruitment system has helped to reduce much of the routine administrative tasks involved in recruitment (Dhamija 2012).

    1. Thank you Thilana for your comments. Despite all the positive outcomes generated through e-recruitment, some companies are still hesitant to be involved and adapt to this relatively new practice. Lack of expertise, costs involved, unfamiliarity, and unwillingness to depart from traditional approaches are among the reasons for reluctance (Yioula et al., 2015).


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